Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I've recently been on a trip to Botswana.  We spent a couple of days at Wild at Tuli and it has been fantastic!  Wild at Tuli is in the Tuli block in Botswana. The Tuli block has a "no fence" policy so animals can walk around freely, so you never know what to expect when you visit.  On our last day out we came across this eagle that was hunting for something to eat.  It was amazing to observe how this bird was hanging from a tree to make a catch of what ever was in that tree trunk. 

While I was editing these photos it made me think a little..  I thought of the eagle as an "evil force" that tries to catch and swallow you and me.  Lets assume a little squirrel was hiding inside the tree (I don't know what it was, because the eagle did not manage to catch what ever was inside the tree).  The squirrel represents you and me.  We should build our "spiritual houses" strongly and in relation with God's plan for us so we can be out of reach of the eagles.  The eagles will try to reach us, but we should know that God protects us and helps us every day to over come the evil force.  And eventually (like in the last picture of this blog post) the eagle will fly away !  Have a blessed week.


1 comment:

  1. Ongelooflike mooi fotos Liesl! En dankie vir die mooi "gelykenis" - dis so waar! :)
