Thursday, December 13, 2012

Family | The Happy Wilkens {Part 2}

So here is Part 2 of the family shoot of the Wilkens.  Yesterday I have posted Part 1 of their family shoot, view it here.

We gave Anjunette a camera (Nikon off course!! :-) ) so she could "photograph" her little sister..  It was so cute.  Anjunette looked like a real photographer in training. :-)

Have a fabulous day ! :-)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Family | The Happy Wilkens {Part 1}

I have know Hester since nursery school.  So in other words, we have know each other basically our whole lives!  So I was very happy when she contacted me to do a family shoot of her, her husband Werner and their 2 adorable girls, Anjunette and Luhandri.  One thing that Hester mentioned, was that they want to remember how they played with their kids.  And I must say that their photos really show that!  Such a beautiful, happy and easygoing family! :-)
So it was a very difficult task to choose photos for this blog post, I decided to do a "Part 1"and by the end of the week to post a "Part 2".  I just adore Anjunette's young personality that is busy evolving and the way she already "pose"for the camera.. (took a bit of convincing, but we got there! :-) )  And little Luhandri, she only have 2 teeth at this state, but oh boy, she love to show them off !! :-)  So friendly and not shy to laugh at all.

I would like to thank Roan for assisting me with the shoot.  The extra pair of hands really helped a lot ! :-)


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My life | Travel

Two weeks ago I went to Cape Town with 2 of my friends.  The main reason for our visit, was that we went to a Silent retreat.  The main purpose of such a retreat is to be still (no words, no talking!) and to listen.  We become silent so we can listen to God and what His plan is for our lives.  We stayed on a farm called "Wortelgat" and to be able to get to Wortelgat, one has to drive through a little town called Stanford.  The Saturday afternoon we took a little break and went to Stanford to take some pictures.  It was cloudy and at times we needed to hide from the rain.  I absolutely LOVE these small little towns that you find in the Cape.  The houses and streets have so much character and there is a bit of mystery to it. 

I really enjoyed my time away from Joburg and the change of scenery did me so well.  It is amazing how "clean" your head feels when you get back and then look at life with a different perspective. 

The theme for the silent retreat was - "Seasons of the soul".  One afternoon when I was quiet, I wrote this little poem about the Spring season of my soul : {now please remember, the last time I wrote a poem was in grade 6, thus I'm not a poet at all! :-) }

Geestelike lente

Daar val pienk blomme uit die lug,
oral om, op my kop en ook op my rug.
Ek voel die geluk, dit is my geestlike lente,
ek kyk om my rond, ek sien als in helder, gekleurde prente.

My sintue voel skerp en als is nuut,
in my hart sing ek 'n vrolike lied.
Ek het die soet gefluister van die Heilige Gees gehoor,
nou jubel en jeug ek saam in 'n massa-koor.

On the Sunday on our way to the airport we had a little time, so we stop at Theewaterskloofdam and took a couple of photos. The last 2 images are two of my favourite shots I took.