I really enjoyed my time away from Joburg and the change of scenery did me so well. It is amazing how "clean" your head feels when you get back and then look at life with a different perspective.
The theme for the silent retreat was - "Seasons of the soul". One afternoon when I was quiet, I wrote this little poem about the Spring season of my soul : {now please remember, the last time I wrote a poem was in grade 6, thus I'm not a poet at all! :-) }
Geestelike lente
Daar val pienk blomme uit die lug,
oral om, op my kop en ook op my rug.
Ek voel die geluk, dit is my geestlike lente,
ek kyk om my rond, ek sien als in helder, gekleurde prente.
My sintue voel skerp en als is nuut,
in my hart sing ek 'n vrolike lied.
Ek het die soet gefluister van die Heilige Gees gehoor,
nou jubel en jeug ek saam in 'n massa-koor.
On the Sunday on our way to the airport we had a little time, so we stop at Theewaterskloofdam and took a couple of photos. The last 2 images are two of my favourite shots I took.

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